Separation Reason allows you to configure additional separation reasons apart from the pre-existing separation rules ( Resignation, Involuntary Termination, Termination with Cause, Retirement, Death, Disability) 

How to Add a Custom Separation Reason?

1. Click on Settings on the Left Side Menu

2. Choose Issuer Seetings - Master Configurations and select Separation Reason

3. Click on Add

- Selecting Yes, you can apply the same Unvested and Vested Awards rule for all existing plan(s) or grant(s) 

- Selecting No, you can select the Unvested and Vested Awards rule for all existing plan(s) and their associated grant(s) individually.  

Here, the selection of Unvested and Vested Awards rule applied for No Plan will reflect for all the grants that have been created without associating any Plan. 

Once added successfully, the created Custom Separation Reason will be reflected accordingly based on the selection for all existing and newly created plan(s) and grant(s). 

Note: Currently a maximum of 10 Custom Separation Reasons can be added. 

Edit Custom Separation Reason 

Clicking on Edit Icon, you will have the ability to Edit the name of the Custom Separation Reason selected. This will reflect accordingly for all existing and newly created plan(s) and grant(s). 

Delete Custom Separation Reason


Clicking on Delete, you will have the ability to delete the selected Custom Separation. 

Note: Custom Separation Reason cannot be deleted if it is used to separate a stakeholder.