Profile configurations in Qapmap allows you to configure the My Profile section for an Individual or Institutional stakeholder. Depending on stakeholder information you want to update and record on Qapmap, you can build a custom My Profile page.

To configure Profile:

  1. Login to Qapmap account as an Administrator.
  2. Click on Settings → Configurations in the left navigation menu.
  3. Under Stakeholder Settings, click on Profile configurations.
  4. The existing Profile configurations for Individual and Institutional stakeholder are displayed.
  5. Please note that, Profile configuration displays the sections enabled in Stakeholder configuration (Settings → Configurations → Stakeholder Settings → Stakeholder configurations).
  6. If you need to enable additional sections such as Bank details, Nominee details, Demat details, or other custom fields, please ensure to enable them in the stakeholder configuration first.
  7. On the Profile configurations, you can configure whether you want to display all fields in the My Profile section of stakeholder account by enabling the ‘Visibility access’ checkbox. 
  8. You can also choose to provide edit access to those fields if you require your stakeholders to update the latest information in their profile by enabling ‘Edit access’ checkbox.

My Profile of stakeholder