This article explains how you can customize Employee dashboard.
- Login to Qapmap account as an administrator.
- You can access the configure dashboard screen by clicking on either of below options:
- Click on ‘Settings’ icon on the Dashboard.
- Navigate to Settings → Configurations → Dashboard settings → Custom Dashboards.
3, On Custom Dashboards screen, click on ‘Edit’ employee dashboard.
4. Once you click on Edit, you will view the configure Dashboard screen.
5. Click on ‘Add Widget’ to view the available widgets for Employee Dashboard.
6. You can enable additional widgets from the ‘Add Employee’ widget pop-up and click on ‘Save’.
7. Once you have added the widgets on the Configure screen, you can check and adjust the lay-out of the widgets. The widgets can be moved and arranged within the configure screen by dragging the widget and placing it at required position on the dashboard.
8. The widgets can be re-sized with help of re-size icon at bottom-right corner of each widget.
9. If you want to remove the widget, click on Delete icon at top-right corner of each widget.
10. If you want to reset the changes to previous version, click on Reset icon next to Save dashboard button.
11. Once you have established the layout, click on Save Dashboard to save the customizations made to the Employee Dashboard.
12. You may find that some of the Value widgets are disabled in the Add widget pop-up. In that case, you need to check the Valuation slider configuration.
Settings > Configurations > Dashboard settings > Valuation slider configuration
13. On the Valuation Slider configuration screen, please enable valuation slider for Shares and Equity Awards depending on which widgets you want to enable.
14. Configure the values for ‘Set slider based on’ Valuation or Share Price and Click on ‘Save’.
15. Return to ‘Edit’ employee dashboard screen and click on ‘Add widget’.
16. You can now enable the Value widgets for employee dashboard.
17. Click on ‘Save’ to add the widget on configure dashboard screen.
18. Review your dashboard layout and click on ‘Save Dashboard’ to display the changes on Employee’s dashboard.