Admins can now see the Captable grouped by the transaction tags and Stakeholder Category.

Transaction Tags:

In order to view your Captable by the tags, the prerequisite is to have tags associated with each of the transactions. In order to do this, navigate to the transaction screen and edit a transaction. You will then have to associate tag(s) with this transaction and click on the save button. 

Once you are done associating tag(s) with each of the transactions, navigate back to Captable. Go to column Configurations and select transaction tag from Group By's and Column Settings. Done! 

You are now viewing your Captable by the tags that were associated with your transactions.

See this in action with the feature video here.


Stakeholder Category:

In order to view your Captable by Stakeholder Category, the prerequisite is to have a category associated with every stakeholder. In order to do this navigate to Settings > Configurations> Stakeholder Configuration. You will see a custom field called: "Stakeholder Category". By default, there will be two-three dropdown values i.e Founder, Investor, and Employee. As an admin, you can add more values to this category. Make sure to add these values separately for Institutional stakeholders also. 

Once done, navigate to Stakeholders from the left panel, and start associating categories for each of the stakeholders(You can also perform this action in bulk from the Bulk upload menu).

Once you complete associating the category with all the stakeholders just navigate to your Captable. Go to column configurations, and select the stakeholder category from the group by and from column settings. Done! You are viewing your Captable by the category with which the stakeholders are associated.  

See this in action with the feature video here.