QapMap allows the employers to configure their employee’s nominee information for the purpose of nominating a person to receive payments in the event of employee’s death as a trustee of the legal heirs of the deceased employee.
When you are added as an employee on the QapMap by your admin (employer), you will receive an invitation email from Qapita. Follow the steps below to sign up in to your Qapita Account and to add Nominee Details.
1. Click Accept Invite in the invitation email you receive from Qapita.
2. Sign Up into your Qapita Account.
3. Click on the dropdown besides your name on the top right corner and select My Profile.
4. On the Nominee Details page, click on Add
5. Upon clicking Add, a pop up opens as shown below.
6. Enter the Nominee Name, Date of Birth, Relationship, Mobile number, Email and Address and click on Update Nominee. The nominee details will be saved in your Qapita Account as shown below
7. You can edit the nominee details by clicking on the Edit icon shown in the image above.