As an employee with vested options, you may want to surrender or liquidate and encash the options instead of converting them to shares in your company. 

How to Surrender Vested Options? 

  1. 1. Sign in to your Qapita Account 

  1. 2. Click on Equity Awards on your Left Menu 

  1. 3. Click on Surrender Options 

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  1. 4. You may choose to surrender all vested units by clicking on “Yes” under Surrender All Units or you can click on “No” to specify the number of vested units you wish to Surrender 

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When you enter the number of units you want to surrender, the pre-tax amount payable calculated based on the current FMV of the company will automatically populate under Payout 

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  1. 5. Click on Surrender Summary to view the details of the surrender requests that you are placing 


  1. 6. Read and check the disclaimer box and click on sSubmit 

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  1. 7. You can again view the Surrender Summary on the Reconfirm Surrender display box and click on Submit to place your surrender request.  


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View Surrender Option Requests Lists 

QapMap allows you to track all the Surrender Requests submitted on the account.  

You can access this information by clicking on Surrender Requests Lists on the Equity Awards Page. 



Note: The “Surrender Options” menu will be visible to you only when your company admin enables it. If you your plan rules don’t allow for your Options to be surrendered, or if your company hasn’t made this option available to you, this menu will not be visible. If you have any questions, please reach out to your company administrator.