Whilst you are able to add your stakeholders one by one, where you are dealing with a large population of stakeholders, utilize our Bulk Upload functionality to ensure all your employees and/or investors are captured in the system.
- Sign in to your Qapita Account
- Click Settings on the left menu and select Bulk Upload
- Select Stakeholder-Individual
- Personal Details is mandatory. You may choose to select Bank Details, Address & Other Details.
5. Scroll down and Select Download Template or Download Template with Data
i. Download Template: to download the template with no data. This is preferable if you are uploading the data for the first time.
ii. Download Template with Data: to download the template with existing data. If you choose to add new stakeholders to the already existing data or modify the existing stakeholder's data.
A. Click on Action dropdown and select “Unchanged/Add/Update/Revert”
- Unchanged :When no changes are required for an existing Stakeholder
- Add : When you must add a new stakeholder
- Update: When you must update the details for an existing stakeholder
- Delete : When you must delete the Stakeholder Information
- Stakeholder ID: Do not input any data under Stakeholder ID as it is autogenerated.
- Is Employee: Choose Yes/No
- Employee ID: If the stakeholder is an employee, please input the Employee ID
- Status: Choose: Active/Inactive
- First Name
- Last Name
- Legal Name (full legal name)
- Email ID
- Date of Birth: in the format (yyyy-mm-dd)
- Mobile
- Commencement Date: For employees, this could mean the Start Date of their Employment and for other Stakeholders, it could mean the start date of the contract agreed upon. It should be in the format (yyyy-mm-dd).
- Supporting Documents : If any, please mention the file name of the supporting document(s).
6. Save the File
7. On the Bulk Upload page of your Qapita Account, please click on Upload File at the right bottom of the page
8. Click on Choose File and upload the saved file for Stakeholder Individual
- When the file is uploaded you can see the green dot against the file.
- If there are any errors on the Spreadsheet, you can see the number of errors on the sheet under Errors and click on Download Error Spreadsheet to make the changes and upload it back.
9. Click on Next
10. Upload Support Documents if any. You can view these documents uploaded in the transactions against the respective stakeholder.
11. Click on Save
12. Review all the details and click on Close.