For your employees and other equity awardees to realise their gains on their awarded options, they will first have to exercise their vested options to receive shares.
QapMap simplifies the exercise process.
Option Awards - All Exercises
To view all exercise options in Option awards:
Click Equity Awards in the menu on the left,and select Exercises.
By default, you view the All Exercises in Option Awards.
The status displayed means the following:
The exercise request pending for issuance.
The exercise request for which shares have been issued.
The exercise request in-progress.
To view an exercise, click any row in the list.
Page BreakOption Awards In-progress exercises
All the exercise requests submitted by the employees or the equity awardees can be viewed on this page, for the admin to verify the Exercise Requests and approve or disapprove them.
To view the details of each Exercise request, click on the more option and select Approve Details
When you select Approve Details, you will be redirected to Approve Exercise page.
Admin can verify the Exercise Details and Payment information.
Upon verifying the payment details, admin can confirm the Payment Status, Date of Payment and type in comments if any and click on Update Payment.
Select the Status of Approval and click on Approve/Disapprove.
Bulk Operations - Update Payment
As an administrator, you can approve exercises and update payments for a set of stakeholders.
To update payment for a set of stakeholders:
Click Equity Awards in the menu on the left, and select Exercises.
Select Option Awards.
Click In-progress Exercises.
From the BulkSelection dropdown select Update Payment
Select required exercises by clicking the checkboxes against them.
Click Update Payment.
Bulk Operations - Approve Exercise
To approve exercise options for a set of stakeholders:
Click Equity Awards in the menu on the left and select Exercises.
Select Option Awards.
Click In-progress Exercises
From the BulkSelection dropdown select Approve Exercise.
Select required exercises by clicking the checkboxes against them.
Click Approve Exercise.