As an administrator, QapMap allows you to generate different types of reports for Option Awards, Share Awards, SARs, and Captable.
Currently QapMap provides the following standard reports.
Area | Report Name | Description |
Option Awards | Summary Report | Detailed report of status of options at a grant level |
Option Awards | Vestwise Report | Status of options for every vesting tranche |
Share Awards | ||
SARs | ||
Option Awards | Plan wise Summary Report | Summary of options granted grouped at a plan level |
Option Awards | Employee wise Summary Report | Summary of options granted grouped at an option grantee level |
Option Awards | Awards Acceptance Status | Status of acceptances and approvals for options granted |
Option Awards | Cancellation Report | Detailed report on all options cancelled along with the reason for cancellation |
Option Awards
| Lapse Report | Detailed report of all options lapsed due to expiry of options (where options were unexercised on the last date of exercise period) |
Option Awards
| Equity Plan Available Balance | Summary of options available for grant at a plan level |
Option Awards
| Exercise Report
| Detailed report of all options exercised and approved |
Option Awards
| Payment and Approval Report
| Detailed report of status of all exercise requests submitted by option grantee along with the breakup of tax and exercise amount and payment details |
Captable | CapTable with ESOP holdings | Cap Table with ESOP holdings aggregated in the ownership % |
Captable | Transactions | Transaction wise details for all shares, share transfers, buybacks, convertible notes and warrants included in the Captable |
Compliance | Form SH-6 – ESOP Register | Register of Employee Stock Options to be maintained in India as per Rule 12 of Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 |
Please mail us at or any additional reports you might need.