To add a share transfer transaction:
- Click Ownership > Transactions in the left menu. By default, the Share Issuances screen is displayed.
- Click Share Issuances (Equity Awards) tab.
- Click Add New Transaction.
- In the display Add New Share Issuances (Equity Awards) dialog box, select the Type of Award.
If you select Option Award:
- Enter the Stakeholder name.
- Select their Exercise Request ID. You can select all entries where share issuance is pending.
- Select the Date of Issuance.
- Enter the Number of Shares.
- Enter the Certificate Code.
- Select or Enter New Tag, you would like to capture. For example, you may want to include a tag for a department, or for the grant event.
- Click Choose File to upload Supporting Documents. Navigate to the file location, select the file, and click Open.
If you select Share Award:
- Select the Type of Issuance.
- Enter the Stakeholder name.
- Select the Grant Date.
- Select the Date of Issuance.
- Enter the Number of Shares.
- Enter the Certificate Code.
- Select or Enter New Tag, you would like to capture. For example, you may want to include a tag for a department, or for the grant event.
- Click Choose File to upload Supporting Documents. Navigate to the file location, select the file, and click Open.
5. Click Save and Add New.