QapMap allows you to mark a separation of active individual stakeholder in case of resignation, termination, death, or retirement. 



  1. Access the Stakeholder page by clicking Stakeholders in the menu on the left. 
  2. Navigate to the stakeholder you want to mark separation, click and select Mark Separation. The Mark Separation screen is displayed.
  3. Select the Date of Separation.
  4. Select the Reason for Separation.
  5. To deactivate a user account on separation:
  • Click the Deactivate User Account button to deactivate a user account.
  • Type the Personal Email ID.

6. To transfer a user account to personal email id on separation without deactivating it:

  • Click Transfer Account to Personal Email. This will trigger an invite email to the user’s personal email id and his account will be transferred to his personal email id.
  • Type the Personal Email ID.




7. Click Mark Separation to complete the process. Once updated, the status of the stakeholder becomes inactive.